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Change HDFS storage location

I'm new to the Hadoop ecosystem, so apologies in advance for using incorrect terminology.

I'm trying to change my HDFS storage location. I recently installed Syncfusion Big Data Platform version v3.1.0.3 to try out on my computer. It's installed on my C: drive which is an SSD drive.

Am I correct in assuming that the HDFS storage is located in the installation directory. I'd prefer to move it to a regular drive.

Is there a way to do this without having to uninstall?

1 Reply

CM Churchil Mariyasagayaraj Syncfusion Team October 12, 2016 09:05 AM UTC

Hi Joseph Lin,   
Thank you for using Syncfusion BigData Platform.   
You don’t have to uninstall. Please do the following changes in your Hadoop package for it to work.   
·       Stop all the running Hadoop services by using service manager.   
·       Open hdfs-site.xml file from the following location.   
“<installDrive>:\Syncfusion\BigData\<Build version>\BigDataSDK\SDK\Hadoop\etc\hadoop\hdfs-site.xml”.   
·       Change the NameNode and DataNode directory according to your SSD location.   
Please refer to the below screenshot (here we have used SSD which has the drive letter D:/).   
·       Copy the Metadata folders namenode and datanode from the below location.   
“<installDrive>:\Syncfusion\BigData\<Build version>\BigDataSDK\Metadata\data\dfs”   
·       Paste the metadata folders to SSD directory as mentioned in the hdfs-site.xml file.   

(Ex: D:\Syncfusion\BigData\\BigDataSDK\Metadata\data\dfs)   
·       Restart the Hadoop services, hdfs location changed from default C:/ to other directories of your SSD.   
Note: The folder structure must be the same as hdfs-site.xml. If not, it may cause the problem while starting the Hadoop services.    
Please let us know if you have any other concern.   
Churchil M.   

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