Thank you for your continued assistance.
I ran your DEMO code but it does not work as is.
<h2>Multiple Autocomplete</h2>
<input type="text" class="patient-search" ej-autocomplete [dataSource]="states" />
<br />
<input type="text" class="patient-search" ej-autocomplete [dataSource]="states" />
<br />
<input type="text" class="patient-search" ej-autocomplete [dataSource]="states" />
Without unique ID's it does not work even with the Service Pack.
When I gave unique ID's, they worked fine.
Here is HTML part of my code, I simplified it as much as possible.
FILE : patient-search.component.ts
<input type="text"
[minCharacter] = "3"
ej-autocomplete #ejAutocomplete
Then in part of other components, I use it as
[hidden]="newTaskForm.get('isSpecificPatient').value === 'false'"
As you can see, since we need unique ID's, I tried to pass 'htmlID' as Input() to the patient-search component.
But it does not work.
At the end of the HTML generated, I see there should be div with id='<id_of_each_input>_suggestion'.
However, I only see one div with id='_suggestion' which is missing passed ID.