Hi Reggie,
Query 1: I'm still struggling with this. I've managed some improvement. What is the relationship between Syncfusion.EJ and Syncfusion.EJ.MVC? Do I need both? Your docs are not clear.
Solution: yes, now we need to refer the both EJ & EJ.MVC packages but we have renamed “EJ.MVC” to “Syncfusion.EJ.AspNet.Core” from volume 3, 2016 release.
Please refer the below given UG Link :
Query 2: I have Syncfusion.EJ 14.3600 installed and the datetimepicker seemed to render but it wouldn't close.
Solution: We suspect that you are using an older version of our script file (ej.web.all.min.js). Can you please ensure this at your side?
Open the developer tools to navigate a console tab à type ‘ej.version’
Since the reported issue occurs when jQuery.easing file has not been referred in the application (for the version lower than, we need to include jQuery.easing file)
If you are using our latest version, then not necessary to refer the jQuery.easing external dependency file.
If you were facing this issue with latest version, please share your view page and layout page where you have referred the all scripts and CSS files. Also, if you are facing any script error in console window, share those details to us.
This will be helpful for us to analyze and provide the solution at the earliest.
Query 3: I tried a couple of other controls and they simply render their type name. I tried to follow your getting started guide and added the following in the home/index page.
@Html.EJ().Toolbar("editingToolbar").Items(s =>
}).Items(s1 =>
It simply rendered the single txt "Toolbar". Clearly something is still not right.
Solution : We had analyzed your code . We suggest you to use render function at the end of code in order to get the toolbar rendered correctly in ASP.NET Core
@{Html.EJ().Toolbar("editingToolbar").Orientation(Orientation.Horizontal).Items(s => { s.Add().SpriteCssClass("LeftAlign_tool").TooltipText("Left"); s.Add().SpriteCssClass("CenterAlign_tool").TooltipText("Center"); s.Add().SpriteCssClass("RightAlign_tool").TooltipText("Right"); s.Add().SpriteCssClass("Justify_tool").TooltipText("Justify"); }).Items(s1 => { s1.Add().SpriteCssClass("Bold_tool").TooltipText("Bold"); s1.Add().SpriteCssClass("Italic_tool").TooltipText("Italic"); s1.Add().SpriteCssClass("StrikeThrough_tool").TooltipText("StrikeThrough"); s1.Add().SpriteCssClass("Underline_tool").TooltipText("UnderLine"); }).Width("300").Render(); } |
We had prepared a sample for your requirement . Please refer the below given link: