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Pin custom tool tip to chart

Hi Team ,

Is there a way we can pin custom tool tip to chart.

Detailed requirement : On a live chart , when user mouse over a custom tool tip is being displayed with custom values. We want to pin couple of tool tips.Is this possible ?

Thanks and Regards,

3 Replies

DA Devi Aruna Maharasi Murugan Syncfusion Team September 30, 2016 11:43 AM UTC

Hi karteek, 
Thanks for contacting Syncfusion Support. 
Currently we don’t have built-in support to pin the tool tip over the series and display more than one tooltip. However, your requirement can be achieved by chart adornment.  
Please refer our UG documentation link to know more about chart adornment, 

KA Karteek February 24, 2017 02:40 AM UTC

Hi ,

I have gone through this and this feature looks good , but i have a scenario like : When user is running the application and wants to see the value on a fast line graph(we get values for every 10 milli seconds)  at only 2 -3 points(say at 10 :15 , 10:35,10:50)  at the same time.Can this be achieved, if possible can you please help me with a sample project.

DA Devi Aruna Maharasi Murugan Syncfusion Team February 24, 2017 08:38 AM UTC

Hi Karteek, 
Thanks for your update. 
You can achieve your requirement by using chart adornment with ListenPropertyChange. The ListenPropertyChange property of series, makes the chart to listen the property changes of your underlying data objects and it can be set as shown in the below code snippet, 
<chart:FastLineSeries ListenPropertyChange="True"> 
        <chart:ChartAdornmentInfo ShowMarker="True" ShowLabel="True" 
                                  Symbol="Ellipse" SymbolHeight="16" 
We have prepared a demo sample based on your requirement and it can be downloaded from below link, 
Sample: LineAdornment 

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