We are looking to use the graph component as a live ui warning for the users of our application. We live update the values of a column series, and are looking to color code each item based on a limit, for example 0-100 red, 100-200 green, 200-300 yellow.
I had constructed SeriesBrushes = List<Color>, one per item in our graph. I can set the color initially, but they don't seem to ever change when modified
<chart:ColumnSeries x:Name="popSeries" ItemsSource="{Binding Data}" XBindingPath="Name"
YBindingPath="Pop" LegendIcon="Rectangle" Label="Population"
ListenPropertyChange="{Binding ListenUpdateChange}" EnableTooltip="True">
<chart:ChartColorModel Palette="Custom" CustomBrushes="{Binding SeriesBrushes}">
Should this work, or is their a better way to programatically change the color of an item in a series live?