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Exception during the adding SfPdfViewer to an empty project


I'm trying to add you SfPdfViewer control to an empty UWP project. I've added links to Syncfusion.SfPdfViewer.UWP and Syncfusion.Pdf.UWP (btw from which location is correct to take these dlls??). Here is the code of my page:

     <syncfusion:SfPdfViewerControl Name="pdfViewer" />

But during the execution of InitializeComponent method I get an exception:

"WinRT information. Cannot locate resource from ms-appx:///Syncfusion.SfPdfViewer.UWP/Implementation/UI/PdfFlipView.xaml. Line: 11 Position 53".

Please help me. What am I doing wrong? And how to achieve simple goal - to add SfPdfViewer control into a page?

Thanks in advance!

3 Replies

FL Flikkema September 28, 2016 08:46 AM UTC

Already fixed that, sorry.

My error was in path to that dlls. I changed it to

C:\Program Files (x86)\Syncfusion\Essential Studio\\Assemblies for Universal Windows\10.0

And it works. Maybe for someone it'll be helpfull

XA Xavier Antony May 9, 2018 07:27 AM UTC

Yes. Your post helped me to come out the same issue. Thank you.

NK Navaneetha Kannan Sudalai Muthu Syncfusion Team May 9, 2018 11:40 AM UTC


Thank you for the updates. We are glad that the issue has been resolved.  

We suspect that at first you have referred the assemblies from a different location which contained only the dll files Syncfusion.SfPdfViewer.UWP.dll and Syncfusion.Pdf.UWP.dll. But for the proper working of UWP assemblies the necessary resource files have to be in parallel with the dll files in the same folder no matter where the dlls are located.  

The installed location of Essential Studio you have mentioned has those resource files parallel to the dlls. That is why the issue was resolved.  

If you are copying the dlls from the installed location and placing them somewhere else, the necessary resource files also have to be copied. Please find the screenshot below.  


Navaneetha Kannan 

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