Im already using grids and other UI componennts in my appliaction without any problems. I can build and run my app. Now I want to write extensions for syncfusion UI components so I can accomodate user rights and other things into my sytem.
I found this example article and tried to make grid extension: https://www.syncfusion.com/kb/4922/how-to-create-custom-htmlhelper-for-the-grid
I pasted example code and added required imports to my static helper class:
using Syncfusion.JavaScript;
using Syncfusion.MVC.EJ.Extension;
using Syncfusion.JavaScript.Models;
Now I cannot rebuild my application - please find attached build_error.log to see details of what errors Im getting.
When I remove new extension class, everythig works again.
Im also attaching my .csproj file so you can see what references I have there.