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Syncfusion html helpers extensions

Im already using grids and other UI componennts in my appliaction without any problems. I can build and run my app. Now I want to write extensions for syncfusion UI components so I can accomodate user rights and other things into my sytem.

I found this example article and tried to make grid extension: https://www.syncfusion.com/kb/4922/how-to-create-custom-htmlhelper-for-the-grid

I pasted example code and added required imports to my static helper class:

using Syncfusion.JavaScript;
using Syncfusion.MVC.EJ.Extension;
using Syncfusion.JavaScript.Models;

Now I cannot rebuild my application - please find attached build_error.log to see details of what errors Im getting.
When I remove new extension class, everythig works again.

Im also attaching my .csproj file so you can see what references I have there.

Attachment: Web_fcc6ed06.zip

2 Replies

TF Tom Frajer September 23, 2016 07:41 AM UTC

Solved by upgrading project to .NET Framework 4.6.1

RU Ragavee U S Syncfusion Team September 24, 2016 04:36 AM UTC

Hi Tom, 

We are glad that you have resolved your issue. Please let us know if you need any other assistance and we will be happy to assist you regarding the same 

Ragavee U S. 

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