Thanks for your update.
When an appointment is double clicked, internally appointment details are updated in an appointment window even though, we prevent the opening of the appointment window. Therefore, only LightSwitch alert window appears while navigating the screen. Since readOnly is enabled on Scheduler, we have unwired the events associated with the appointments as shown below.
readOnly: true,
create: "onCreate",
function onCreate(args) {
this._off(this.element, "click", ".e-workcells,.e-alldaycells,.e-alldayappointment,.e-monthcells:not('.e-othermonths'),.e-agendacells");
this._off(this.element, "dblclick", ".e-workcells:not('.e-resourceheadercells'),.e-alldaycells,.e-alldayappointment,.e-monthcells:not('.e-othermonths'),.e-agendacells.e-eventcolumn,.e-agendacells.e-timecolumn");
Kindly try the above suggestion and let us know if you need further assistance.