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How to set series value


How to set chart series value in Excel file.
I am using following code.

ExcelEngine oengine = new ExcelEngine();
IApplication oApp = oengine.Excel;
oApp.DefaultVersion = ExcelVersion.Excel2007;
IWorkbook oWorkbook  =  oApp.Workbooks.Create(1);
IWorksheets osheets = oWorkbook.Worksheets;
IWorksheet  osheet = osheets .Worksheets[0];

IChart ochart = osheet.Charts.Add();
IChartSerie oserie = ochart.Series.Add();
oserie.value = "......";

Excel file is attach .This file have contain a chart with two series. In this chart how to set series range value.

sharad kumar

Attachment: 6paretoanalysischartexceltemplate_d51c6039.rar

3 Replies

KD Kesavan D Syncfusion Team September 16, 2016 10:53 AM UTC

Hi Sharad, 

Thank you for contacting Syncfusion support. 

We can set chart series using XlsIO by using below code snippet. 

            IChart chart = sheet.Charts[0]; 
            IChartSerie series = chart.Series.Add(); 
            series.Name = "WP2"; 
            series.Values = sheet.Range["M3:M13"]; 

We have also prepared a sample to illustrate the above code snippet which can be downloaded from below link, 

Feel free to refer our documentation page, 


SK Sharad Kumar September 16, 2016 11:12 AM UTC


Thanks for your replay.

In this file , Two series present in chart.   
 1)         Series Name    ->    Series2
             Series value     ->     ='6pareto-analysis-chart-excel-template.xlsx'!fre
 2)         Series Name    ->    Series3
             Series value     ->     ='6pareto-analysis-chart-excel-template.xlsx'!cum

IChart chart = sheet.Charts[0]; 
IChartSerie series = chart.Series.Add(); 
 series.Name = "WP2"; 
series.Values = sheet.Range["='6pareto-analysis-chart-excel-template.xlsx'!fre"];       // XLSIO liberary throw exception

output file have two series without series value.

SS Sridhar Sukumar Syncfusion Team September 19, 2016 12:36 PM UTC

Hi Sharad,  
Thank you for updating us. 
We regret to let you know that currently we don’t have support to set external workbook range to a chart series. However, we have added it to our Feature request list and it will be implemented in any of our upcoming releases. 
Sridhar S 

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