Hi Syncfusion support, i would like to know whether can do the following on GridGroupingControl.
Scenario 1
I've a set of data binded in GridGroupingControl and datasource is refresh every few seconds.
Whenever the record has change, the selected cell should have blinking effects and changing textcolor. (Not every cell, but only is certain cell which the value has changed from previous dataset)
eg. from value 1 to value 2, then the cell will have blinking effects and text color changed.
Any idea on how to implement this function? It is slightly similar stock market effects.
Scenario 2
Based on scenario 1, but the blinking effects will remain for around 10 - 15 seconds.
Every refresh maybe is around 2 to 5 seconds ...
Refresh 1 => Value = 1
Refresh 2 => Value = 2 (Blinking effects, Red Color)
Refresh 3 => Value = 2 (Blinking effects, Red color)
Refresh 4 => Value = 2 (Blinking effects, Red color)
Refresh 5 => Value = 2 (Stop Blinking, and reset to default color, maybe black color text, due to over 15 seconds and no value changed)
Refresh 6 => Value = 1 (Blinking effects, Blue Color)
Refresh 7 => Value = 2 (Blinking effects, Red color)
Is there anyway to implement this ?? Thank you !!