I have done some more testing and found something interesting.
<sync:SfNumericTextBox Header="Cost:" Text="{x:Bind ViewModel.test, Mode=TwoWay, Converter={StaticResource StringToDouble}}" Culture="{x:Bind ViewModel.culture}" FormatString="C" InputScope="Number"/>
Results in a value of £0.00 regardless of what value is set during the binding and only shows the a value in the £ format once a new value is entered.
<sync:SfNumericTextBox Header="Cost:" Culture="{x:Bind ViewModel.culture}" Text="{x:Bind ViewModel.test, Mode=TwoWay, Converter={StaticResource StringToDouble}}" FormatString="C" InputScope="Number"/>
This code fixes this issue as the culture is set before the value binding of the text box so the value now appears in the text box unformatted e.g a value of 300 appears as 300 instead of £300.00. Again once a new value is entered the value is formatted correctly.
I tried to put the format string before the value binding however this had no effect.
I then tried using the Value property instead of Text:
<sync:SfNumericTextBox Header="Cost:" Culture="{x:Bind ViewModel.culture}" Value="300" FormatString="C" InputScope="Number"/>
This worked properly with the value being formatted as £300.00 when the page loaded.
The issue now however when I try to use Binding to value it doesn't work and using x:Bind makes the value property report that the "input is not in the correct format" in the designer.
Is there a way I can two way bind to the value property then I believe the issue would be resolved?
It is strange however that it the value bound to the text property was being was working until yesterday morning although I did perform an update for visual studio to version 14.025420.1 and syncfusion updated to on the 12th, but the numeric text boxes were behaving as normal afterwards and the following day.
I'm using Windows 10 anniversary edition but my app is targeting 10586 as that is the version of the phone emulator I am testing with.