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Binding a String[] to DropDown in Grid?

Is it possible to bind just a simple String[] as a datasource for a Dropdown?

                string[] per= { "One", "Two", "Three" };

                var index = this.grdBudget.Columns.FindIndex(col => col.Field == "Period");   //dropdown control
                this.grdBudget.Columns.ElementAt(index).DataSource = per;

                grdBudget.DataSource = new BudgetEntities().Requests.ToList();

PS in this short example I'm assigning 'per' statically but in my application I'll need to assign it dynamically, hence cannot just put the choices in the control def in xml.


1 Reply

PK Prasanna Kumar Viswanathan Syncfusion Team September 15, 2016 03:08 PM UTC

Hi Michael, 
Thanks for contacting Syncfusion support. 
To bind an array of string as a dataSource for dropdown, use the editTemplate property of columns. Use editTemplate property we render the dropdown for particular column and bind the array of string as a datasource for the column. 
Find the code example and sample: 
<ej:Grid ID="OrdersGrid" runat="server" AllowPaging="True" > 
            <EditSettings AllowEditing="True" AllowAdding="True" AllowDeleting="True"></EditSettings> 
            <ToolbarSettings ShowToolbar="True" ToolbarItems="add,edit,delete,update,cancel"></ToolbarSettings> 
<script type="text/javascript"> 
        function create() { 
            return $("<input>"); 
        function write(args) { 
            var obj = $('#<%= OrdersGrid.ClientID %>').ejGrid('instance'); 
            var numbers = ["One", "Two", "Three"]; 
                width: "100%", 
                dataSource: numbers, 
                value: args.rowdata !== undefined ? args.rowdata["CustomerID"] : "" 
        function read(args) { 
            return args.ejDropDownList("getValue"); 
Prasanna Kumar N.S.V 

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