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Toolbar over Data grid


I have a datagrid, see attachment, above is the NavigationBar and below is NavigationBar's Toolbar. As you can see the toolbar in over the Datagrid row.It means when I scroll to all the way down, I need to scroll a bit more and hold to be able to see the last row in the table..

I have tested with UITableViewControll, Maps and a picture and on all of them the view is above, "Docked" between the NavBar and ToolBar as I would suspect it to be. 

There is a setting on the the ViewController, Extend Edges: Under Top bar and Under Bottom Bar, both is set to Disabled

I have an SfChart that has the same issue, but adding the below fixed it. I have tried this on the SfDataGrid but it will not work. Any suggestion ?

chart.Frame = View.Bounds;
chart.AutoresizingMask = UIViewAutoresizing.FlexibleHeight | UIViewAutoresizing.FlexibleWidth;  

Thanks for any help

Attachment: IMG_1483.png_9a4bdcdb.zip

1 Reply

AN Ashok N Syncfusion Team September 10, 2016 04:47 AM UTC

Hi Jan,  
Thank you for contacting Syncfusion Support. 
We have checked the reported “Last row was not showing problem while we have Navigation Toolbar” issue, but we were unable to reproduce issue. We have able to show the last row with setting  Extend Edges. We have attached our tested sample in the sample link, please modify the same based on your requirement and it would be more helpful for us to proceed further.    

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