I have a datagrid, see attachment, above is the NavigationBar and below is NavigationBar's Toolbar. As you can see the toolbar in over the Datagrid row.It means when I scroll to all the way down, I need to scroll a bit more and hold to be able to see the last row in the table..
I have tested with UITableViewControll, Maps and a picture and on all of them the view is above, "Docked" between the NavBar and ToolBar as I would suspect it to be.
There is a setting on the the ViewController, Extend Edges: Under Top bar and Under Bottom Bar, both is set to Disabled
I have an SfChart that has the same issue, but adding the below fixed it. I have tried this on the SfDataGrid but it will not work. Any suggestion ?
chart.Frame = View.Bounds;
chart.AutoresizingMask = UIViewAutoresizing.FlexibleHeight | UIViewAutoresizing.FlexibleWidth;
Thanks for any help