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How to bind Stencil Symbol Source


In the following articles


There is an example of creating symbols

But in one of the samples you can find the following code

                        <local:NodeVm UnitWidth="60" UnitHeight="60" 
                                      Shape="{StaticResource Rectangle}" Key="Basic Shapes">

NodeVm doesnot implmement ISymbol as mentioned in the article

How can i bind SymbolSource  to a collection of NodeVM from my view model?

Thanks in advance


4 Replies

KR Keerthivasan Ramamoorthy Syncfusion Team September 2, 2016 01:07 PM UTC

Hi Tomer, 
We have deprecated the ISymbol dependency with SymbolSource and Stencil , in order to provide support to add Node and Connector into Stencil. We have Provided the sample and online documentation link. Please refer to sample and documentation link as below.  
Sample Link:125666_Stencil
Keerthivasan R 

TO tomer September 2, 2016 01:32 PM UTC


But i dont see binding here

I was talking about something like

<stencil:Stencil x:Name="stencil"
                             SymbolSource="{Binding Shapes}"

Where the Shapes is a property in my view model of type ObservableCollection<NodeViewModel>

I have tried it and it throw exception

Thanks in advance


KR Keerthivasan Ramamoorthy Syncfusion Team September 5, 2016 12:29 PM UTC

Hi Tomer, 
We have analyzed and modified a sample. Please refer to a sample from the following link.  
Sample details: 
In this sample, the SymbolCollection(ObservableCollection<NodeViewModel>) is bind to SymbolSource in Xaml. 
If the provided information does not address the reported, please revert with your sample that helps us to give the quick solution to you. 
Keerthivasan R.   

TO tomer September 5, 2016 02:48 PM UTC

Can you try to bind it to a view model property?

On my side i get null exception

Thanks in advance


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