How can I embed a Dashboard in my Windows Store App


I am trying to embed Dashboard in my windows store app but failed. Please guide me with example code how can I embed a Dashboard in my Windows Store App.


3 Replies

SS Sathishkumar Sadhasivam Syncfusion Team August 24, 2016 12:12 PM UTC

Hi Muhammad, 
We request you to follow up with the incident created for the same issue in your DT account.  
Sathishkumar S.  

SS Sathishkumar Sadhasivam Syncfusion Team August 24, 2016 02:12 PM UTC

Hi Muhammad, 
Could you please share the following details so that it would be helpful to investigate further and update easier. 
i)Are you trying to embed the dashboard, which is already published in the Dashboard server or have you used the online dashboard link. For example, you are trying  the link ( the dashboard in the WebView of Windows Store App? 
ii)Are you trying to embed your own SYDX file, along with local service through Windows Store App?

iii) Also, please share screen shots regarding the error(s) you are facing  while embed the dashboard in to  Windows Store App.

Sathishkumar .     

SS Sathishkumar Sadhasivam Syncfusion Team August 25, 2016 01:55 PM UTC

Hi Muhammad, 
Please find the Windows Store app sample for Dashboard Viewer . Dashboard  SDK is need to be installed as a prerequisite to run this sample. 
 To run the sample  follow the below steps 
1.       Extract the package downloaded from the above link. 
2.       Start Dashboard Service in IIS Express by running the below exe from the location 
3.       Replace the Service URL in the in MainPage.xaml.cs file 
4.       Run the sample. 
Note: If you need to render the dashboard that is created by you. Add the sydx file in the project.  And set the Build Action as Content and Copy to Output Directory  Copy always 
Change the sydx path  to the newly attached sydx file name 

If you want to render multiple dashboards in the same application. You need to increment the Dashboard.html file name in the below code. eg: while you render the second Dashboard you need to give the html file name as Dashboard (2).html. 
Sathishkumar S 

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