Hi Subburaj,
Thanks for the support you have been providing. I have attached a link to my solution containing the troublesome code
Sample Code . I have bound the slider, the header, and a range pointer to the same property on the ViewModel. As a result, the steps used to reproduce the issue on UWP is really simple. Just by moving the slider you will notice the header will move to the default position.
I am running on:
Windows 10 Build 14393.105
Visual Studio Studio Community 2015 Update 3
Syncfusion with the latest Service Pack Syncfusion
Also this block of code does not work on UWP it throws "Object reference not set to an instance of an object." exception.
<gauge:Header Text="{Binding ReadValue, StringFormat='{0:F1}°'}" ForegroundColor="#939393" TextSize="50">
<OnPlatform x:TypeArguments="Point" iOS="0.5,0.9" Android="0.5,0.9" WinPhone="0.4,0.6" />
<gauge:Header Text="Temperature" ForegroundColor="#939393" TextSize="20">
<OnPlatform x:TypeArguments="Point" iOS="0.5,0.95" Android="0.5,0.95" WinPhone="0.45,0.65" />