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Starting in 2019, the Reporting control is no longer included in Essential Studio. If you're experiencing issues with the Syncfusion Reporting Platform, Report Viewer, Report Designer, or Report Writer, we recommend migrating to Bold Reports, our dedicated reporting platform.

Bold Reports offers a comprehensive suite of tools and features for all your reporting needs, and we will help you make a smooth transition from the discontinued control. Our support team at https://support.boldreports.com/ is here to assist you with any questions or difficulties you may encounter during the migration process.

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Localize Reportviewer measure unit

Hi I  use localize in reportviewer all is perfect but in page settings I don't know, how to specify the measure unit? because actually show undefined, thanks in advance.

here is my code

<script type="text/javascript">
    $(document).ready(function () {
        ej.ReportViewer.Locale["es-MX"] = {
            toolbar: {
                print: {
                    headerText: 'Imprimir',
                    contentText: 'Imprimir.'
                exportformat: {
                    headerText: 'Exportar',
                    contentText: 'Seleccione el formato del archivo.',
                    Pdf: 'PDF',
                    Excel: 'Excel',
                    Word: 'Word',
                    PPT: 'PowerPoint',
                    Html: 'Html'
                first: {
                    headerText: 'Primera',
                    contentText: 'Ir a la primera pagina del reporte.'
                previous: {
                    headerText: 'Anterior',
                    contentText: 'Ir a la pagina anterior del reporte.'
                next: {
                    headerText: 'Siguiente',
                    contentText: 'Ir a la siguiente pagina del reporte.'
                last: {
                    headerText: 'Ultima',
                    contentText: 'Ir a la ultima pagina del reporte.'
                documentMap: {
                    headerText: 'document de Plan',
                    contentText: 'Afficher ou masquer la carte du document.'
                parameter: {
                    headerText: 'Parametros',
                    contentText: 'Especifica los parametros del reporte.'
                zoomIn: {
                    headerText: 'Agrandar',
                    contentText: 'Agrandar el reporte.'
                zoomOut: {
                    headerText: 'Acercar',
                    contentText: 'Acercar el reporte.'
                refresh: {
                    headerText: 'Actualizar',
                    contentText: 'Actualizar el Reporte.'
                printLayout: {
                    headerText: 'Formato de Impresion',
                    contentText: 'Cambia entre formato de impresion y modo normal.'
                pageIndex: {
                    headerText: 'Pagina',
                    contentText: 'Numero de pagina.'
                zoom: {
                    headerText: 'Tamaño',
                    contentText: 'Agrandar o achicar el reporte.'
                back: {
                    headerText: 'Regresar',
                    contentText: 'Volver.'
                fittopage: {
                    headerText: 'Adaptar a la pagina',
                    contentText: 'Adaptar la pagina al contenedor.',
                    pageWidth: 'Largo de pagina',
                    pageHeight: 'Pagina Entera'
                pagesetup: {
                    headerText: 'Configuracion de pagina',
                    contentText: "Cambia la configuracion de paginas, opciones para el tamaño de hoja, orientacion y margenes."
            pagesetupDialog: {
                paperSize: 'Tamaño de hoja',
                height: 'Altura',
                width: 'Ancho',
                margins: 'Margenes',
                top: 'Arriba',
                bottom: 'Abajo',
                right: 'Derecha',
                left: 'Izquierda',
                orientation: 'Orientacion',
                portrait: 'Vertical',
                landscape: 'Horizontal',
                doneButton: 'Aceptar',
                cancelButton: 'Cancelar'
            viewButton: 'Ver Reporte'
        $("#reportviewer").ejReportViewer("model.locale", "es-MX");

3 Replies

YD Yuvaraj Devarajan Syncfusion Team August 12, 2016 07:28 AM UTC

Hi Jaime, 
Thanks for contacting Syncfusion support. 
We have provided the option to specify the measure unit values in local text by using “unit” option under pagesetupDialog in locale script file as shown in the below code example.   
Locale script: 
            pagesetupDialog: { 
                paperSize: 'Tamaño de hoja', 
                height: 'Altura', 
                width: 'Ancho', 
                margins: 'Margenes', 
                top: 'Arriba', 
                bottom: 'Abajo', 
                right: 'Derecha', 
                left: 'Izquierda', 
                unit: 'in', 
                orientation: 'Orientacion', 
                portrait: 'Vertical', 
                landscape: 'Horizontal', 
                doneButton: 'Aceptar', 
                cancelButton: 'Cancelar' 

We have prepared the sample in MVC and It can be downloaded from below location, 

Note: We have provided the measure unit values in local text support only after Essential studio build version. So we request to use the script file from the mentioned and above build version.   

Yuvaraj D. 

JA jaime August 12, 2016 05:49 PM UTC

Thanks a lot, works perfect

YD Yuvaraj Devarajan Syncfusion Team August 15, 2016 02:44 AM UTC

Hi Jaime, 

Thanks for the update. We are happy to hear that your issue is resolved. 

Yuvaraj D. 

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