1. I'm trying to build a chart with millions of points (32 million for now - it will be a higher number in the future), I've tried to use the demo example called: "High_Volume_Data_Demo" from the performance category but after plotting over 16 million points I get a System.OutOfMemoryException, is there any way to fix this exception of work around the problem so I would be able to plot that number of points?
2. Beside plotting a fixed chart I'm also trying to allow the user to change the points using his mouse
link Unfortunately working with millions of points will not allow a reasonable work flow, I was thinking about a solution and I would like to run it by you.
After creating the chart we set the ItemsSource like this "chart1.Series[0].ItemsSource = collection;" for mouse movement maybe we should remove a spesific point and insert it again to the ItemsSource this time the precise point, maybe it will affect the load time of the chart.
Any idea besides that would be very helpful.