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Can't make it work

I can't Make  navigationDrawer work , is there any sample that we can follow or help ? I have been trying all night but nothing work .

2 Replies

AP Ashwini Paranthaman Syncfusion Team August 17, 2016 04:59 AM UTC

Updated on 8/11/2016, 11:26 AM by achraf . 
after downloading essential-studio-2016-volume-2-service-pack-release-v14-2-0-28 it works but , this is how it looks , any help to fix it ?

SfNavigationDrawer SfNavigationDrawer on android

Attachment: SfNavigationDrawer_56aa535e.rar

PK Pavendhan Kumar Syncfusion Team August 17, 2016 09:08 AM UTC

Hi Achraf,

You can refer the following getting started documents for the help. It also has the sample with latest version.



We have also created the incident for further follow up related to the reported issue. Please logon to your Direct-Trac account for further updates.


If you face any issues in integrating our NavigationDrawer with your configuration, then please let us know through incident. We will help you to resolve the issue at the earliest.

Pavendhan K. 

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