I'm using an SFChart to display real-time data like below (have also attache a ScreenShot)
<chart:SfChart AreaBorderThickness="0" x:Name="Chart" >
<chart:DateTimeAxis x:Name="xAxis" PlotOffset="10" ShowTrackBallInfo="True" LabelFormat="HH:mm" />
<chart:NumericalAxis PlotOffset="10" />
<chart:FastLineSeries ItemsSource="{Binding MyDataSerie}" XBindingPath="DateTime" YBindingPath="Value" Interior="Turquoise" />
If you refer to the attached screenshot, the chart display one blue LineSerie from around 8:40 to 10:20
I would like to some segment of that line with a different color, for instance
- Before 9:20 => Turquoise
- Between 9:20 and 9:40 => Red
- After 9:40 => Turquoise
How can I do that ?