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FastLineSeries having segement with different color depending on Xvalue


I'm using an SFChart to display real-time data  like below (have also attache a ScreenShot)

<chart:SfChart AreaBorderThickness="0" x:Name="Chart" >         
      <chart:DateTimeAxis x:Name="xAxis" PlotOffset="10" ShowTrackBallInfo="True" LabelFormat="HH:mm" />  
      <chart:NumericalAxis PlotOffset="10" />
   <chart:FastLineSeries ItemsSource="{Binding MyDataSerie}" XBindingPath="DateTime" YBindingPath="Value" Interior="Turquoise" />

If you refer to the attached screenshot, the chart display one blue LineSerie  from around 8:40 to 10:20 
I would like to some segment of that line with a different color, for instance 
  • Before 9:20 => Turquoise
  • Between  9:20  and 9:40 => Red
  • After 9:40  => Turquoise 
How can I do that ? 


Attachment: MultiColorFastLineSeries.png_ac58af17.zip

1 Reply

DA Devi Aruna Maharasi Murugan Syncfusion Team August 10, 2016 04:18 PM UTC

Hi Rodolphe, 
Thanks for contacting Syncfusion Support. 
We have rendered fastline series as a single segment (single polyline). So, we are unable to apply different color in single element based on some condition in real time case.  

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