In my program, I want to manually process the New/Open/Save commands, but SfRichTextBoxAdv takes priority of those hotkeys. Therefore currently I use this code to remove them:
var removingGestures = new List<InputBinding>();
foreach (InputBinding inputBinding in this.documentEditor.InputBindings)
var gesture = inputBinding.Gesture as KeyGesture;
if (gesture != null && gesture.Modifiers == ModifierKeys.Control)
if (gesture.Key == Key.O) { removingGestures.Add(inputBinding); }
if (gesture.Key == Key.S) { removingGestures.Add(inputBinding); }
if (gesture.Key == Key.N) { removingGestures.Add(inputBinding); }
foreach (var gesture in removingGestures)
this.DataContext = this.Model = new MainPageViewModel();
Just want to ask if this is the proper way? Is there any property I can set to disable the default behaviors?