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CaptionImage repaint on ImageMouseLeave event

Hi, I have installed some images in the caption area of the form, and apparently, when the ImageMouseLeave event is called and I perform a redraw the of the images, it seems to affect the controls having "long text" - 255 characters and over - which are blinking specifically when the mouse is leaving the bounds of these images. Here is the code I use to redraw the image

Private Sub image_ImageMouseLeave(sender As Object, e As ImageMouseLeaveEventArgs)
        If (sender.Name = "CaptionImage0") Then
            sender.backcolor = Color.Transparent
        ElseIf (sender.Name = "CaptionImage1") Then
            sender.backcolor = Color.Transparent
        ElseIf (sender.Name = "CaptionImage2") Then
            sender.backcolor = Color.Transparent
        ElseIf (sender.Name = "CaptionImage3") Then
            sender.backcolor = Color.Transparent
        End If
    End Sub

Thank you in advance! - Nicolas

4 Replies

NI Nicolas August 7, 2016 08:40 AM UTC

It happens as well in the image_ImageMouseEnter event. I have replicated this issue on the MetroForm program provided : Add a textbox on the form, set multiline to True, and add long text to it, you will see the blinking results when the mouse goes over the 3 CaptionImage at the right - Thanks! Nicolas

VR Venkateshwaran Ramdoss Syncfusion Team August 8, 2016 06:38 PM UTC

Hi Nicolas,

Thank you for conatcting Syncfusion Support.

We are unbale to reproduce the reported issue at our end. We have prepared a sample and it can be downloaded from the below link.

Sample: MetroformSample

Could you please provide more details about your query by modifying the sample to reproduce the reported issue and provide replication steps? It would help us to proceed further.

Venkateshwaran V.R.

NI Nicolas August 8, 2016 07:55 PM UTC

Hi Venkateshwaran, please find attached the MetroForm modified on the 2015 version where I added a textbox multiline. Just hover back and forth over the 3 caption images at the upper right side of the form. You should notice then that the text inside the textbox is flickering. Thanks in advance! - Nicolas

Attachment: CS_c36c444b.7z

VR Venkateshwaran Ramdoss Syncfusion Team August 9, 2016 10:54 AM UTC

Hi Nicolas,

Thanks for your update.

We are able to reproduce the reported issue and a support incident to track the status of this defect has been created under your account. Please log on to our support website to check for further updates


Venkateshwaran V.R. 

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