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Set Undocked / Floating Window Border width

Undocked  / fLoating windows created using the dockingmanager have really tiny, maybe 2 pixel border for grabbing / resizing. 

It's way to small for my application, especially over remote desktop it becomes impossible to grab the edge.

I find no properties of the dockingmanager control that establish the border... are there any settings for this? Or is this left up to the OS?

3 Replies

SK Senthil Kumaran Rajan Syncfusion Team August 5, 2016 08:39 AM UTC

Hi Eric, 
Thanks for contacting Syncfusion Support. 
We can achieve this requirement by applying the MetroStyle in DockingManager and customizing the border width by using the property MetroBorderWidth. Please make use of the below code example. 
Code Example[C#]: 
//To change the visual Style of dockingManager 
this.dockingManager1.VisualStyle = Syncfusion.Windows.Forms.VisualStyle.Metro; 
//To change the width of the MetroBorder when window is in floating state. 
this.dockingManager1.MetroBorderWidth = 10; 
We have prepared the sample for your reference and it can be downloaded from the below location.  
Please refer the below screenshot for further reference. 
Could you please check with the above solution and let us know whether the provided solution is helpful? If not, please share us some additional details about the reported requirement. It will be helpful for us to analyze and provide an appropriate solution at the earliest.    

ER Eric Robishaw August 10, 2016 05:57 PM UTC

That was exactly what I needed.


SK Senthil Kumaran Rajan Syncfusion Team August 11, 2016 03:54 AM UTC

Hi Eric, 
Thank you for your update. 
Please let us know if you need further assistance. 

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