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Change Language of TimeOptions

how can I change the language of my Syncfusion TimeOptions?

On the folder Scripts/Cultures I have some culture javascript files.

I want to use ja-JP (there is no avaliable).

How can I do it?

7 Replies

JS Jonesherine Stephen Syncfusion Team August 2, 2016 10:15 AM UTC

Hi Kazhuya, 
Thanks for contacting Syncfusion support. 
By using the “locale” property, we can render the Gantt with different culture. 
We have prepared the sample to render Gantt in “ja-JP” culture.  
Please find the code snippet to customize the Gantt with localized texts below: 
        ej.Gantt.Locale["ja-JP"] = { 
            emptyRecord: "レコードは表示されませんします", 
            alertTexts: { 
                indentAlert: "何ガントレコードはインデントを行うためにそこに選択されていないされています", 
                outdentAlert: "何ガントレコードはインデント解除を実行するためにあり選択されていないされています", 
                predecessorEditingValidationAlert: "循環依存が発生しましたが、前任者を確認してください。", 
                predecessorAddingValidationAlert: "前身の表のすべての列を埋めます", 
                idValidationAlert: "重複ID", 
                dateValidationAlert: "無効な終了日" 
            columnHeaderTexts: { 
                taskId: "ID", 
                taskName: "タスク名", 
                startDate: "開始日", 
                endDate: "終了日", 
                resourceInfo: "リソース", 
                duration: "デュレーション", 
                status: "進捗", 
                predecessor: "先行", 
                type: "タイプ", 
                offset: "オフセット", 
                baselineStartDate: "ベースライン開始日", 
                baselineEndDate: "ベースライン終了日", 
                WBS: "WBS", 
                WBSpredecessor: "WBSの前身" 
            editDialogTexts: { 
                addFormTitle: "新しい仕事", 
                editFormTitle: "タスクの編集", 
                saveButton: "セーブ", 
                deleteButton: "削除", 
                cancelButton: "キャンセル", 
                addPredecessor: "新しく追加する", 
                removePredecessor: "削除します" 
            columnDialogTexts: { 
                field: "フィールド", 
                headerText: "ヘッダーテキスト", 
                editType: "編集タイプ", 
                filterEditType: "[タイプの編集をフィルタリング", 
                allowFiltering: "フィルタリングを許可します", 
                allowFilteringBlankContent: "フィルタリング空白のコンテンツを許可", 
                allowSorting: "並べ替えを許可します", 
                visible: "目に見えます", 
                width: "", 
                textAlign: "テキストアラインメント", 
                headerTextAlign: "ヘッダーテキストの配置", 
                columnsDropdownData: "列のドロップダウンデータ", 
                dropdownTableText: "テキスト", 
                dropdownTableValue: "", 
                addData: "加えます", 
                deleteData: "削除します", 
                allowCellSelection: "セルの選択を許可します" 
            toolboxTooltipTexts: { 
                addTool: "加えます", 
                editTool: "編集", 
                saveTool: "更新", 
                deleteTool: "削除", 
                cancelTool: "キャンセル", 
                searchTool: "サーチ", 
                indentTool: "インデント", 
                outdentTool: "インデント解除", 
                expandAllTool: "すべて展開", 
                collapseAllTool: "すべて折りたたみます", 
                nextTimeSpanTool: "次のタイムスパン", 
                prevTimeSpanTool: "前のタイムスパン" 
            durationUnitTexts: { 
                days: "日々", 
                hours: "営業時間", 
                minutes: "" 
            contextMenuTexts: { 
                taskDetailsText: "タスクの詳細...", 
                addNewTaskText: "新しいタスクを追加します。", 
                indentText: "インデント", 
                outdentText: "インデント解除", 
                deleteText: "削除", 
                aboveText: "上記の", 
                belowText: "以下" 
            newTaskTexts: { 
                newTaskName: "新しい仕事" 
            columnMenuTexts: { 
                sortAscendingText: "昇順で並べ替え", 
                sortDescendingText: "降順ソート", 
                columnsText: "コラム", 
                insertColumnLeft: "列の左に挿入", 
                insertColumnRight: "列の右を挿入", 
                deleteColumn: "列の削除", 
                renameColumn: "列の名前を変更" 
            columnDialogTitle: { 
                insertColumn: "列の挿入", 
                deleteColumn: "列の削除", 
                renameColumn: "列の名前を変更" 
            deleteColumnText: "あなたは、この列を削除してもよろしいですか?", 
            okButtonText: "[OK]", 
            cancelButtonText: "キャンセル", 
            confirmDeleteText: "削除の確認", 
            predecessorEditingTexts: { 
                fromText: "から", 
                toText: "" 
You can also find the culture files from Essential Studio installed location below: 
Please refer the below link to get the Localized texts for EJ controls: 
We have also prepared the sample for your reference please find the sample from below location: 
Disclaimer: We have removed bin and obj folder in the given sample for some security reasons, we must include Syncfusion.EJ and Syncfusion.EJ.MVC dlls to render the Gantt control which is available in Essential Studio installed location. 
Please let us know if you require further assistance on this.
Jone sherine P S

KF Kazuya Fukazawa August 4, 2016 02:31 PM UTC

Thank you for answering. Would you a sample chart in the sample of the following is displayed ? Sample: http://www.syncfusion.com/downloads/support/directtrac/general/ze/localization-1531140349

JS Jonesherine Stephen Syncfusion Team August 5, 2016 06:12 AM UTC

Hi Kazuya, 
We regret about the inconvenience caused. 
We are unable to understand your query. Do you need a Chart sample with “ja-JP” localization? If not could you please share more details related to this query with us and it will be very helpful for us to understand your requirement clearly and update the response. 
Jone sherine P S

KF Kazuya Fukazawa August 6, 2016 01:48 AM UTC

I'm sorry in words less than .
It confirmed that can be localized in the sample that we had offered .
Or sample does not can then continue to provide the Chart of Gantt is displayed in the sample that can be localized ?

JS Jonesherine Stephen Syncfusion Team August 8, 2016 11:31 AM UTC

Hi Kazuya, 
We regret about the inconvenience caused.  
By using the “locale” Property we can apply localization to the schedule headers and taskbar tooltip on Gantt chart side. If we want to apply localization to cell values for the Gantt fields we need to pass the necessary data through “dataSource” property in Gantt. 
Please find the attached screen shot for your reference: 
Is this your requirement?? If not could you please share us the exact region where you need to apply localization in Gantt chart. It will be very helpful for us to understand your requirement clearly and update the response. 
Please let us know if you require further assistance on this.
Jone sherine P S 

KF Kazuya Fukazawa August 8, 2016 11:46 AM UTC

Could you offer me source cord of a screen shot?

JS Jonesherine Stephen Syncfusion Team August 9, 2016 05:58 AM UTC

Hi Kazuya, 
By using “locale” property we can apply localization to schedule headers based on its header format. And by using the “columnHeaderTexts” and ”durationUnitTexts” property we can translate the column headers and duration units  as per our requirement. 
Please find the code snippet below: 
               sh.WeekHeaderFormat("MMM dd,yyyy"); 
       //To apply localization for schedule headers as per the header format 
        ej.Gantt.Locale["ja-JP"] = { 
             //To apply localization for column headers 
            columnHeaderTexts: { 
                taskId: "ID", 
                taskName: "タスク名", 
                startDate: "開始日", 
                endDate: "終了日", 
                resourceInfo: "リソース", 
                duration: "デュレーション", 
                status: "進捗", 
                predecessor: "先行", 
                type: "タイプ", 
                offset: "オフセット", 
                baselineStartDate: "ベースライン開始日", 
                baselineEndDate: "ベースライン終了日", 
                WBS: "WBS", 
                WBSpredecessor: "WBSの前身" 
            //To apply localization for duration units applied for the duration in taskbar tooltip            
            durationUnitTexts: { 
                days: "日々", 
                hours: "営業時間", 
                minutes: "" 
We have also prepared the sample for your reference. Please find the sample from below location: 
Disclaimer: We have removed bin and obj folder in the given sample for some security reasons, we must include Syncfusion.EJ and Syncfusion.EJ.MVC dlls to render the Gantt control which is available in Essential Studio installed location.  
Syncfusion.EJ: C:\Program Files (x86)\Syncfusion\Essential Studio\\Assemblies\4\ Syncfusion.EJ.dll  
Syncfusion.EJ.MVC: C:\Program Files (x86)\Syncfusion\Essential Studio\\Assemblies\MVC\MVC4\Syncfusion.EJ.MVC.dll  
Please let us know if you require further assistance on this.
Jone sherine P S

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