Hi Michael,
Thanks for contacting Syncfusion Support.
Query 1: Error HRESTUL E_FAIL has been returned from a call to a COM component.
We are unable to reproduce the error in simple project and also if the lines of code are more than 100,000+, this error may occur. It seems that the problem is with the visual studio and please delete the project cache in the below location to resolve this.
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\Common7\IDE\ProjectTemplatesCache
Query 2: I wanted to add a progress bar inside the card, that would be updated real time via the data source, would that be possible?
We can modify the default template of Kanban card item using CardTemplate property in SfKanban. Also, we can add the progress bar that is updated through the data source of its underlying model.
Query 3: Is it possible to remove the image circle, should I have no image provided?
SfKanban provides support for collapsing the image icon of Kanban card using IconVisibility property in KanbanCardStyle and please find the below code example for more information.
Code example:
<syncfusion:KanbanCardStyle IconVisibility="Collapsed"/>
</syncfusion:SfKanban.CardStyle> |
In case of customizing card template, we can change the visibility by validating ImageURL that is provided in the data model. We have prepared a demo sample for this requirement.
Query 4: Adding the event "CardDoubleTapped" could be beneficial
We considered this “Need to implement CardDoubleTapped event for SfKanban” as a feature request and a support incident has been created under your account to track the status of this requirement. Please log on to our support website to check for further updates.
Query 5: If I want the card border to change color when they tap on a card, to highlight that they have actually clicked, how would I do that?
This requirement can be achieved by using CardTemplate and we have prepared a demo sample and please find it from the following location.
Sumathi J