Hi again,
I got the lyrics and chords to show up fine in my WebBrowser "Lyrics Viewer"
However, because html cannot handle tabs and spacing properly... my chords do not show up where the display does in the EditControl.
So, I abandoned the Html Viewer concept,
I like how you use the build in .NET PrintPreview for the EC control.... I am using that for just the actual printing of the EC code text.
But, I don't like the toolbar control in the PrintPreview control. (something MS should make pretty some day)
So, I have built a custom print preview.
I can get the text printed on a page (not successful with multiple pages yet when lyrics is too long)
But I have two issues...
1) It doesn't print in color just like in the EC control display
2) The chords go out of wack (tabs and spaces) and so the page doesn't look like the EC control.
I was wondering if you can share with me the code you used to get that perfect print-preview text output that matches the EC control exactly that you guys put together.
Then I can use it on my custom print preview.
I eventually want to take the text tags (lexems) and style them on the final print preview.
The Lyrics Preview is going to be used as just a viewer that the user can use and play their instrument while reading from the viewer.
So, I have a code version (for building lyrics) and viewer version (for playing along - playlists)
I am almost done with my initial app.