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Column Heading - Datagrid

In vb.net The column Heading of one of columns of the Datagrid is Normal Rate of Change As I have 9 columns to this grid I had set the width for this column 110 Then heading is truncating I want to wrap this heading as Normal Rate Of change I have difficulty could someone please let me know how to do this Thanks

1 Reply

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team April 21, 2004 09:01 AM UTC

I'm doing something similar and even though I'm using a solution that works, its not ideal. There appears to be a bug in how the datagrid handles the column header font size. When the header font size is increased, the height of header box increases but not the font. Now set your header text = "Normal Rate" & vbCLRF & "Of Change". > In vb.net > > The column Heading of one of columns of the Datagrid is > > Normal Rate of Change > > As I have 9 columns to this grid > > I had set the width for this column 110 > Then heading is truncating > > I want to wrap this heading as > > Normal Rate > Of change > > I have difficulty could someone please let me know how to do this > > Thanks > > >

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