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Using xaml flat icon in tab item header like image

I've a collection of flat icons builded with Metro Studio 5 in a resource dictionary, how you know they are not images but vector images defined into viewbox container
In the documentation I can see the image property for each tab item, but how I can use my flat icon xaml resource in the same way?

3 Replies

DR Durga Rajan Syncfusion Team July 21, 2016 07:15 AM UTC

Hi Gianni,

We can set an Icon from XAML resource in TabItemExt header through Header Template. We have prepared a sample that tries to meet your requirement. In this sample, we have customized the header of each TabItemExt by its Header Template to bind the Icon in header of TabItemExt. You can download the sample for the same from following location.

Sample:  Tabcontrolext_Sample

Durga S.

UN Unknown Syncfusion Team July 21, 2016 09:59 AM UTC

Great! Thanks!

DR Durga Rajan Syncfusion Team July 22, 2016 04:23 AM UTC

Hi Gianni,

We are glad that your issue has been solved. Please let us know if you need any other assistance.

Durga S.

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