Hi Jamie holcroft,Thanks for contacting Syncfusion support.We have analysed your query with different scenarios but we are not able reproduce the issue. We have prepared a sample for your reference. Please find the sample from the below location and update us the modified sample to reproduce the issue for helping you further.Thanks,Yuvaraj
Hi I heve the same proplem it's right rendered on Xamarin.iOS but not in Xamarin.andorid
Hi thank you for replay, i don't understand what mean the binding that you done in sfCarh
<chart:SplineSeries Label="Series" ItemsSource="{Binding }" XBindingPath="XValue" YBindingPath="YValue">
Hi thank you for repling, I try like you do in the example but chart still doesn't render correctly, i try to explain better, in attached image is shown the problem when i click a bottn in the footer to load a data of new day in tablet Android the chart doesn't render only on android tablet on all device it's rendered correctly
Hi thank you for repling, I try like you do in the example but chart still doesn't render correctly, i try to explain better, in attached image is shown the problem when i click a bottn in the footer to load a data of new day in tablet Android the chart doesn't render only on android tablet on all device it's rendered correctly
I forgot images here there are. One illustrate how it must be rendered and how it's rendered some times
1. galaxy tab A (but it seems it is on all tablet device)
2. android 7.1 but it seems the version it's not problem
3.last one
it's the same if i load apk?