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Responsive Images in ejRTe


I can insert images into a Rich Text Editor using the image browser.  However if the RTE or the HTML is viewed on a small screen the images do not respond to the screen size.   

Is it possible for images inserted with image browser to resize so that they fit the screen size in use?



1 Reply

KR Keerthana Rajendran Syncfusion Team July 20, 2016 01:13 PM UTC

Hi Randy, 

Thank you contacting Syncfusion support. 

We suggest you to fit the images to a particular width and height using css by checking the window.innerWidth in if condition  

function onchange() 
          if(window.innerWidth < 480) //Enter the inner width of small screens required 

We have prepared a sample based on our understanding. Please refer the below link 

If we have misunderstood your requirement please get back to us with clear details 


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