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Grid Virtual Scrolling issue


i have a grid with virtual scrolling 
<ScrollSettings AllowVirtualScrolling="true" VirtualScrollMode="Continuous">
The grid is populated on the server side page.load via datatable that is filled from SQL db

The problem is when I scroll on any page greater then 1. and refresh the grid (button which refreshes the grid, also on the server side, same code as in page load)
  Grid1.DataSource = db.getData("Select") - db is a function that returns datatable from sql
all the pages from 1. to the page i'm currently on disappear and are not visible, even though you can still scroll to the beginning but seeing no rows.

Page where the refresh happened and all the rest >= are correctly refreshed and visible.

1 Reply

KK Karthick Kuppusamy Syncfusion Team July 14, 2016 12:59 PM UTC

Hi Pratura, 

Thanks for Contacting Syncfusion Support. 

We have analyzed your requirement and we can’t able to reproduce the issue at our end. Please find the code example: 

<ej:button id="Stop" runat="server" text="serverstart" size="Large" showroundedcorner="true" 
    <ej:Grid ID="FlatGrid" runat="server" AllowSorting="True" AllowScrolling="True" DataSourceID="SqlData"  > 
       <ScrollSettings AllowVirtualScrolling="True" Height="300" Width="auto" VirtualScrollMode="Continuous"></ScrollSettings> 
    <asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlData" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:NORTHWNDConnectionString %>" 
            SelectCommand="SELECT * FROM [Territories]"></asp:SqlDataSource> 
script type="text/javascript"> 
 function DoPostBack() { 
              __doPostBack('Stop', 'My Argument');// 
We have posted through button click and the Grid is automatically refreshed in every post back action. Please find the screen shot. 

Grid scrolling to next page : 


After post back :  


For your reference we have created a sample. 

Could you please share the following details it would be helpful for us to find the solution at earliest. 

1.Please share the more details about your requirement? 

2.Please reproduce the issue in the attached sample and revert it to us if it is possible? 

3.please share the sample or code snippet if it is possible? 

4.please share the replication procedure to reproduce the issue? 


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