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Spline chart drawing issue

On the spline chart if there are two data points that are close to each other on the x-axis the spline chart connecting lines are way out of bounds.

Is this a known issue? Is there any way to set it up properly or a workaround?

3 Replies

YP Yuvaraj Palanisamy Syncfusion Team July 12, 2016 01:34 PM UTC

Hi Aaron, 
Thanks for contacting Syncfusion support. 
We are unable to reproduce the reported issue at our end and have prepared a sample for this. Please revert us the modified sample based on your requirement to validate the issue at our end. 

GB Gjorgji Belkoski July 15, 2016 07:03 AM UTC

As it appears the issue was that i was keeping local references of the syncfusion assemlies. 

It is strange because those are the same assemblies as the suncfusion directory. Is there any way to install the chart via nuget package?

Thanks. Gjorgji.

PS Parthiban Sundaram Syncfusion Team July 18, 2016 07:17 AM UTC

Hi Gjorgji,

You have to remove the local reference of Syncfusion assemblies from your application. Please follow the steps below to install Syncfusion assemblies from NuGet.

Parthiban S. 

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