Hi Parthiban
many thanks for your assistance.
But, unfortunately I'm not there yet.
I have few issue:
1. my x-Axis is datetime and I have no idea how to convert the datetime into double - I assume the change is in the yellow part
if ((data as ChartDataPoint).XValue.ToString().Equals(e.SelectedItem.ToString()))
float pointX = (float)(chart.ValueToPoint(chart.PrimaryAxis, (double)(dataModel.DataPoints.IndexOf(data) + 1)));
float pointY = (float)(chart.ValueToPoint(chart.SecondaryAxis, (data as ChartDataPoint).YValue));
toolTip.ShowTooltip(pointX, pointY, chart);
2. I'm using TooltipTemplate - using your ChartTooltipExt somehow cause two tooltip to popup, one the regular and than the template one.
I'm using XAML to define my chart, I have no problem to define it in code
3. I have few data series from different kind on the chart, I need this behaviour only on one of them (hope this doesn't change anything)
many thanks for your assistance