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Time Zone isssue


last few days i was trying to use your controller mostly its working fine when its local i am used after i upload my code on us server and after my trouble start because when i create appointment than its save and viewing part is perfect but when i see to the database which i select date and time its completely different so what's the happen ? and if i am using us browser to save data that time its perfectly fine working so issue is might be clear right ?

i try to explain again ,

Local Server (India) From Browser save data and view is perfect (Testing Time) .
Hosted Server (US) save data and view is Perfect.

Now point is that My Hosted i try to Scheduled Time to India than save and viewing perfectly which i scheduled BUT THING IS THAT WHEN I SEE THE DATABASE DATE AND TIME IS DIFFERENT AND ITS MIGHT BE TIMEZONE ISSUE I DONT KNOW HOW TO SOLVE THIS PROBLEM.

if u solve this issue than i can buy your produce that's sure.

Give me as soon as possible reply. 

1 Reply

KK Karthigeyan Krishnamurthi Syncfusion Team July 6, 2016 12:00 PM UTC

Hi Vishal,   
Thank you for contacting Syncfusion support.   
We suspect that the difference in the timezone might have caused such problem and therefore to overcome this, try with StartTimeZone and EndTimeZone property. In schedule, appointments will render with the system timeZone, by default.  If it needs to be provided with some other user-specific time zone value, then API timeZone can be used.  If the timeZone value is given on sample side, then the system timeZone value will not be considered. It is mandatory to mention the “StartTimeZone and EndTimeZone” fields within the AppointmentSettings in order to save the appointments in the same time as given in the database.   
Use same values for timeZone, StartTimeZone and EndTimeZone fields to render the appointment as same as the time given in data base. Please read here to know briefly about those two properties  http://help.syncfusion.com/js/schedule/globalization-and-localization#time-zone and find the example code to use it on the sample from here http://help.syncfusion.com/js/api/ejschedule#members:appointmentsettings-starttimezone .    
We have prepared the sample for your requirement “Need to save the appointment with same time in Schedule and data source” which can be viewed from the below link,    

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