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Exception Handling

I am looking through the docs, but basically I want to know if I can tweak how a virtual grid handles exceptions?

2 Replies

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team March 31, 2004 04:42 PM UTC

Figured it out.. Syncfusion.Windows.Forms.ExceptionManager.ExceptionCatched however.. no I can see why the "red exception is drawn occasionally" the real problem is that I am getting and exception like this e.Exception.Message ="Overflow or underflow in the arithmetic operation."

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team March 31, 2004 05:08 PM UTC

Are you using multiple threads? If so, make sure all calls into the grid are protected with grid.InvokeRequired checks. What version are you using? In your QueryCellInfo handler, are you testing for e.RowIndex > 0 && e.ColIndex > 0 before setting value?

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