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GridControl Sort Performance

I'm having some problems with the performance of sort on a ControlGrid.  Everything works great.  I've got about 3500 rows and I'm just sorting on one Column of strings.  I've searched the forums and the samples and having some trouble understanding some of it.

When I use the sort sample included and increase it to 3500 rows it still sorts very fast on Strings.  Maybe half a second.  When I sort using GridControl1.Data.SortByColumn (no custom Camparer) it takes about 3 seconds on a faster machine and worse of course on a slower machine.  Its not bad, but It should be able to be faster since your demo does.

All the data is loaded from a two dimensional array into the grid so I do have that I could use.

I searched the forum and found a 2005 thread that stated, "The call to store.GetValue inside the Compare method of our default comparison method that is called from Array.Sort is a bottleneck. It is better to prepare the data in an array before calling sort."

So I'm trying to understand how it is I'm to prepare the data in an array first.  Or maybe go to Virtual Grid, but then that seems to be complicating matters even more?

Any help would be great.


1 Reply

AR Amal Raj U Syncfusion Team July 4, 2016 01:02 PM UTC

Hi Konrad, 
Thanks for using Syncfusion products. 
We have tried to reproduce your reported scenario. Unfortunately the performance issue while sorting using no custom comparer cannot be reproduced at our side. Hereby we have attached our tested sample. 
Could you please try to reproduce the issue with the attached sample? It could be useful to sort out the issue at the earliest. 
Sample Link 
Amal Raj U. 

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