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GridNavigationControl Bug?

This control only shows the first digit on the record at first.  Open a project with a GridControl and a GridRecordNavigationControl and more than 9 records.  Click on a double digit record to select and you will see the record number only shows one digit.

I've attached a screenshot.


Attachment: GridRecordNavigationControl_Bug_9f3de7c7.zip

1 Reply

AR Amal Raj U Syncfusion Team July 4, 2016 10:22 AM UTC

Hi Konrad,  
Thanks for using Syncfusion products.  
We had analyzed your query and we could able to reproduce the issue. We have confirmed this issue as a defect and created a bug report. We have created the separate incident for your better follow up.   
Dashboard link:  
Amal Raj U. 

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