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syncfusion-javascript + bower + angular

Hi There,
I'm trying to use the grid control with our existing application written in angular (1.5.3).
I followed the steps when installing the bower package:

1. bower install syncfusion-javascript --save
2. added 'ejangular' into module dependencies as seen here: http://help.syncfusion.com/js/angularjs

I'm getting following error: Module 'ejangular' is not available!

Under bower_components only got ej.angular2.min.js, and bower.json is pointed into "syncfusion-javascript": "^14.2.26"

Any help greatly appreciated.

1 Reply

KR Karthik Ravichandran Syncfusion Team July 4, 2016 01:25 PM UTC

 Hi Lukasz,

We have analyzed your query. We are not able to reproduce the reported issue and we have suspect that this issue is due to following possibilities,
1. angular.min file is not referred
2.ej.widget.angular.min.js file is not referred
3.Referred files may not be in proper order.

we have addressed these kind of possibilities in our end and mentioned the solutions below
1. Refer the required script files properly 
2. Ensure the referred files in proper order

For your convenience, we have prepared the sample based on your requirement. You can download it from the following location

if you still facing the same issue please get back to us with additional details to reproduce this issue
so we could provide the exact solution.

Karthik R

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