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Triggering alerts from Calendar?

Just checking to see if I'm missing anything - looked over the Calendar and the Schedule components in the Forms library - there doesn't appear to be a way to create a new event in the calendar that is configured to alert when the event arrives - ideally out of the platform calendar so that when my application isn't running scheduled alerts still trigger and the like.
is there a way to do this that's not covered in the docs I can find or is this something on the to-do list for a later release?

1 Reply

HM Hemalatha Marikumar Syncfusion Team June 28, 2016 12:29 PM UTC

Hi Jeff ,

Thanks for contacting Syncfusion Support.

Currently we don't have support to configure the calendar control with alert event when the event arrives. We have already considered this as feature. This implementation will be available in any of our upcoming release. You may also check our website periodically to know about our feature implementation.

Hemalatha M.R

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