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SfTimePicker crashing application


We have been using the SfTimePicker in our application and there have been issues with it slowing down the application and becoming less responsive over time. While investigating these issues, I noticed that after a few interactions with the time picker, garbage collection is happening constantly. I ran the UWP sample browser (the latest version - and observed the same behaviour - in fact after opening the picker, scrolling the numbers and clicking on the tick around 3 or 4 times, the whole application crashes.

Would you please be able to look in to this and provide an update to resolve the issue.


(Note this should be posted under SfTimePicker but there was no option for that when creating a new thread)

7 Replies

JN James Newton King June 24, 2016 04:37 AM UTC

Memory profiler shows all the objects being created in the background. There was no activity in the app, this was all created by the time picker:

Where one of the objects was created:

VJ Victory Jessie Selvam D Syncfusion Team June 24, 2016 09:10 AM UTC

Hi James,

Thank you for using Syncfusion product.

We were unable to reproduce the reported issue, "Scrolling the numbers and clicking on the tick around 3 or 4 times crashes application" from our side. The objects created by SfTimePicker control will be cleared only after the scope for SfTimePicker ends. Could you please let us know whether you are reporting that the instance of SfTimePicker exists even after the control is unloaded? Also please get back to us with video demonstrating the issue faced from your side. This would help us to proceed further and find a solution.


NC Nicola Crawford June 26, 2016 09:56 PM UTC

Hi Jessie,

Please find attached a video of the issue.


Attachment: SfTimePickerBug_266a0b07.zip

JN James Newton King June 26, 2016 10:07 PM UTC

Also the CPU usage from GC in the background stays high even when the page is navigated away from.

It starts as soon as the time picker is opened and doesn't stop until the application closes or crashes (which happens when you keep opening and closing a time picker).

Here is it happening on my computer. CPU usage increases every time the time picker is opened and closed:

JN James Newton King June 27, 2016 12:34 AM UTC

I think you have two problems:

1. The time picker isn't being correctly disposed. The AnimationPerFrameCallback on SfTimeSelector is still being called even after the TimePicker control has been navigated away from. It should only be running when the time picker dropdown is open.
2. AnimationPerFrameCallback is really slow. It doing a huge amount of work every frame which is causing the GC to run continuously.

JN James Newton King June 27, 2016 06:48 AM UTC

Example app of the memory leak (problem #1) attached.
To see the poor performance (problem #2) just open any time picker and make a looping selector visible. CPU usage immediately jumps and doesn't fall despite nothing happening.

Please fix BOTH of these issues.

Attachment: App12_5106b49b.zip

VJ Victory Jessie Selvam D Syncfusion Team June 27, 2016 12:41 PM UTC

Hi James/Nicola,

We were able to reproduce the issues "Application crashes while clicking ticks" and "Memory leak issue in SfTimePicker control". A support incident to track the status of these defects has been created under your accounts. Please log on to our support website to check for further updates

Please let us know if you have any questions.


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