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Drop down Menu

When selecting an option on the drop-down menu the dashboad is not being updated in the application. The Dashboard behaves "correctly" in the dashboard designer but in my application it throws this error : ej.dashboardViewer.all.min.js:10 Uncaught ejScroller: methods/properties can be accessed only after plugin creation

5 Replies

NS Narendran S Syncfusion Team June 24, 2016 12:49 PM UTC

Hi Hemraj, 
Thanks for contacting Syncfusion support.  
Please make sure, have referred the necessary Scripts and CSS files for Dashboard Viewer as mentioned here.  
Also, confirm whether you are referring Syncfusion ‘ejScrollbar’ in your sample regardless of Dashboard Viewer Or could you please share us the code snippet which you have used in your sample application? 
Please let us know if you need any further assistance. 
Narendran S 

VS Vance Sankar June 24, 2016 01:55 PM UTC

did not reference Syncfusion ‘ejScrollbar’

<div id="dashboard" style="width:100%; min-height:800px;"></div>
    <script type="text/javascript">
        var browser = ej.browserInfo();
        if (browser != null && browser.name === "msie" && parseFloat(browser.version) <= 8.0) {
            var divString = '<div style="top:20%;width:575px;margin:0px auto;position:relative;text-align:center">' +
                '<div style="padding:35px 68px 35px 68px;" class="e-dbrd-control-container">' +
                '<p style="font-size:18px;font-weight:bold">Internet Explorer 8 and Internet Explorer 11 in Enterprise Mode are not supported</p>' +
                '<p style="font-size:10px">Please upgrade to a newer browser if you are using IE8 or turn off Enterprise Mode if you are using IE11 in Enterprise Mode.</p>' +
                '<p style="text-align:left;margin-top:20px">Supported Browsers:</p><div class="alert-ie">' +
                '<div><span><img  src="@Url.Content("~/themes/common-images/IE.png")" /></span><p>Internet Explorer 9+</p> </div> ' +
                '<div><span><img  src="@Url.Content("~/themes/common-images/Edge.png")"/> </span><p>Microsoft Edge</p></div>' +
                '<div><span><img  src="@Url.Content("~/themes/common-images/Firefox.png")" /></span><p>Mozilla Firefox 22+</p></div>' +
                '<div><span><img  src="@Url.Content("~/themes/common-images/Chrome.png")" /></span><p>Chrome 17+</p></div>' +
                '<div><span><img  src="@Url.Content("~/themes/common-images/Opera.png")" /></span><p>Opera 12+</p></div>' +
                '<div><span><img  src="@Url.Content("~/themes/common-images/Safari.png")" /></span><p>Safari 5+</p></div></div></div>'
            var body = document.getElementById("dashboard");
            body.style.backgroundColor = "blue";
            body.innerHTML = divString;
        else {
            $(document).ready(function () {
                if ('@ViewBag.ServieURL' == '') {
                $('#dashboard').ejDashboardViewer({ url: "@ViewBag.ServieURL", report: "@ViewBag.ReportPath", filterParameters: location.search.substr(1) });

Attachment: err_3866e4cd.zip

NS Narendran S Syncfusion Team June 27, 2016 01:30 PM UTC

Hi Hemraj, 
                 Thanks for provided information. Please refer ej.dashboardViewer.all.min.js alone in your sample and remove ej.web.all-latest.min.js file reference (Since ej.web.all-latest.min.js file content will be also available with in ej.dashboardViewer.all.min.js file). 


And make sure referred only below scripts and themes alone for Dashboard Viewer. For more information refer the link 

                                <script src="@Url.Content("~/scripts/jquery-1.10.2.min.js")"></script> 
                                <script src="@Url.Content("~/scripts/jquery.easing.1.3.min.js")"></script> 
                                <script src="@Url.Content("~/scripts/jquery.globalize.min.js")"></script> 
                                <script src="@Url.Content("~/scripts/ej.dashboardViewer.all.min.js")"></script> 
                                <link rel='nofollow' href="@Url.Content("~/themes/bootstrap.css")" rel="stylesheet"> 
                                <link rel='nofollow' href="@Url.Content("~/themes/default-theme/ej.widgets.all.min.css")" rel="stylesheet"> 
                                <link rel='nofollow' href="@Url.Content("~/themes/ej.DashboardViewer.css")" rel="stylesheet"> 
                                <link rel='nofollow' href="@Url.Content("~/themes/e-Card.css")" rel="stylesheet"> 
                                <link rel='nofollow' href="@Url.Content("~/themes/ej.dashboarddatepicker.css")" rel="stylesheet"> 
                                <link rel='nofollow' href="@Url.Content("~/themes/dashboard-themes/light/ej.DashboardViewer.css")" rel="stylesheet"> 
                                <link rel='nofollow' href="@Url.Content("~/themes/dashboard-themes/light/lightcontroltheme.css")" rel="stylesheet"> 
                                <link rel='nofollow' href="@Url.Content("~/themes/default-theme/ej.theme.min.css")" rel="stylesheet"> 
                                <link rel='nofollow' href="@Url.Content("~/themes/default-theme/ej.pivotgridcustomtheme.css")" rel="stylesheet"> 

Narendran S 

VS Vance Sankar June 27, 2016 08:39 PM UTC

Thanks for your help. That solved my problem.

SU Suriya Syncfusion Team June 28, 2016 01:32 PM UTC

Hi Hemraj, 
We are glad to hear that your problem had been resolved at your end. 

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