I want to ask why it is needed to paste dashboard element directly inside <body> tag like this?
<div id="dashboard" style="width:100%; height:100%;"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
$('#dashboard').ejDashboardViewer({ url: "@ViewBag.ServieURL", report: "@ViewBag.ReportPath", filterParameters: location.search.substr(1) });
The problem is, that I want to have it in another container to wrap it to my template.
<div id="bodyId">
<div id="dashboard" style="width:100%; height:100%;"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
$('#dashboard').ejDashboardViewer({ url: "@ViewBag.ServieURL", report: "@ViewBag.ReportPath", filterParameters: location.search.substr(1) });
Hovever this solution does not show dashboard correctly, not rendering the graphs, only its titles and buttons (but it is not possible to click at them, or does not have click events).
Is there any solution to wrap Dashboard viever in ASP NET MVC ? Is there any workoround? I think that there will be more people deserving this functionality.
Martin Rasovsky.