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Questions regarding to ejPivotGrid

Hello Syncfusion. 
I have two questions regarding to the ejPivotGrid 

Would there be a way to use the ejPivotGrid without synchronizing with the server and solely make it  function in the client-side in the version 13.x? 

When we create the ejPivotGrid in the 1.4 version, 
the contents of the Grand Tottal will not disappear even if I have checked false value in the enableGrandTotal. 
Is there an another way to solve with in the version 1.4? 

Thank you. 

1 Reply

SP Sastha Prathap Selvamoorthy Syncfusion Team June 18, 2016 06:51 AM UTC

Hi Maverick, 

Thank you for using Syncfusion products.  

Would there be a way to use the ejPivotGrid without synchronizing with the server and solely make it  function in the client-side in the version 13.x?  
We provided client-side support in ejPivotGrid for both Relational and OLAP in latest version. So, we kindly recommend you to upgrade your Essential Studio to latest version (14.x). 
When we create the ejPivotGrid in the 1.4 version,the contents of the Grand Tottal will not disappear even if I have checked false value in the enableGrandTotal. Is there an another way to solve with in the version 1.4?  

We have provided this support - “enableGrandTotal” for ejPivotGrid control, which will  available on upcoming Volume 2, 2016 scheduled for release next week. 

Sastha Prathap S. 

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