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Problems with Ribbon and Office menu

Hi, i'm just starting to use Essential Studio Community with my developments and I'm having trouble with RibbonContrlAdv, which i'd really like to use, specifically the Office menu in it. The only way it seems to work is if the ribbon style is set to office 2007(with the circle menu), other than that, I cant add controls to it via designer, and if i do it adding them through its items collection in its properties, I dont see anything when I run the program, clicking the Office menu tab does nothing at all.
Am I doing something wrong?
Thanks in Advance.

3 Replies

KJ Keerthana Jegannathan Syncfusion Team June 7, 2016 12:19 PM UTC

Hi Pablo, 
Thank you for contacting Syncfusion support. 
Yes, we think you would like to use Office2007 like Menu button selection behavior in other RibbonStyle options like Office2010, Office2013 and TouchStyle. If so, circle shaped Menu button and its option view is applicable for Office2007 style and not for other Ribbon styles.  
As like in MS Office 2010, 2013 and 2016 applications Menu button selection will make to display BackStage View. And if you would like to have Office2007 style like for other styles, then that can be achieved by using PopUpContainer and handling MenuButton Click event. Please refer to the below code snippet. 
// To load the PopUpContainer control into the Menu Button 
if (this.ribbonControlAdv1.RibbonStyle == Syncfusion.Windows.Forms.Tools.RibbonStyle.Office2010 || this.ribbonControlAdv1.RibbonStyle == Syncfusion.Windows.Forms.Tools.RibbonStyle.Office2013) 
    if (!isPopupVisible) 
        if (sender is ToolStripDropDownButton) 
            isPopupVisible = true; 
            Point pt = this.RectangleToScreen((sender as ToolStripDropDownButton).Bounds).Location; 
            this.popupControlContainer1.ShowPopup(new Point((int)(pt.X), (int)(pt.Y + (sender as ToolStripDropDownButton).Bounds.Height))); 
           isPopupVisible = false; 
We have prepared sample for your reference which can be downloaded from the below location. 
For Office2007 Style 
For Office2010 Style 
We have prepared video to explain the behavior of Ribbon with Backstage for other Ribbon Styles which can be downloaded from the below location. 
Also refer the below link for further reference 
Can you please check with above solutions and let us know if it helps? If not, guide us with more details so that we can analyze and provide prompt solution as earlier as possible.  

RR ROBERTO REALE February 9, 2024 09:39 AM UTC


I'm interested in viewing the sample project attached to this post.

However, if I try to download it, a message is shown saying that my account is not associated with this download.

How can I have access to it? Could it be made public?

In particular, I'd like to see how the code shown is bound to Menu button click.

Thank you, regards


RS Raghavendra Sudhakar Syncfusion Team February 14, 2024 01:46 PM UTC

Hi Roberto,

As mentioned in the previous comment, in MS Office 2010, 2013, and 2016 applications Menu button selection will display BackStage View. If you would like to have Office2007 style like other styles, then that can be achieved by using PopUpContainer and handling the MenuButton Click event. Please find the sample for your reference. 

Also, refer to the below link for further reference.

Application Menu in Windows Forms Ribbon control | Syncfusion


Raghavendra S 

Attachment: RIBBON_dc69ed02.zip

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