Good Day.
I was browsing through your controls to see if I was able to find anything to help me with the current problem I am facing at the moment.
I'm assigning this to the first control(mandatory) as it is a bit more of a back end problem I have, although It is being with an application (Could be any platform really)
So first thing is I might just be blind or looking in the wrong sections so if you would be able to point me there that would be great.
Secondly what I would like to accomplish.
I am in need to access a .pst/ost (any mail database file) from my code (The file will be in active use by a mail client on the hosting machine). I need to access this file as it theoretically a lot faster than accessing the mail server for a few mail accounts on an timed loop (5 -10 mins) thus the idea came to mind to rather setup a mail client on the machine and access the mail database file instead.
I have read up on a few services which can provide me with the functionality I am looking for, but not entirely the way I would like it though. ( I have also considered using the COM Outlook class or Interop.outlook as wel ( Not Ideal as MS Outlook might not always be the installed mail client( Ok probably never)), also took a look at fairport and PST File Format SDK(just uses fairpot) on Github and Codeplex respectively and not really helping in the direction I'm trying to go).
So to boil it all down. Does Syncfusion currently have Functionality to access .pst/.ost (mail database files)?
If so I would greatly appreciate it if you would be able to provide me with the link to where it might be.
If not any suggestions other than the ones listed above to anything anyone in the team might have used before that would be able to work for me would also help a whole lot.
Thanks in advance.