Hi Arun,
Thanks for the effort, but that is not exactly my question
Of course I can add one slide of type SlideLayoutType.Blank, SlideLayoutType.Comparison, SlideLayoutType.ContentWithCaption, SlideLayoutType.PictureWithCaption, SlideLayoutType.SectionHeader, SlideLayoutType.Title, SlideLayoutType.TitleAndContent, SlideLayoutType.TitleAndVerticalText, SlideLayoutType.TitleOnly, SlideLayoutType.TwoContent, SlideLayoutType.VerticalTitleAndText
but that is not the need.
I need to add a slide from a "model" that is in a presentation opened as a Template. Not copy an already existing slide, but one that is proposed by MS PowerPoint when you click "new slide". These are not necessary the SlideLayoutType from above -sorry again, likely using "model" in this thread is wrong-
In can not attached in this forum a pptx as example, but please see incident ID: 157742 (about a bug): I have attached a Template there for other SF purposes. Please opened it and try to programmatically create a slide from the last choice proposed when you click "add new slide" inside MS PowerPoint.
This pptx belongs to a customer - Please do NOT put a public example that includes that Template nor a screen capture of it
Please just explain or write the minimal code how you access that slide model in presentation.Slides.Add
???) for a new slide