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How to chosing the "model" when adding a slide in a presentation ?

Hi SF & users,

note: I am unsure of "model" naming (it may be "Template page", or "theme" or "mask" in the pptx world ... I don't know) so I will describe how I do it in MS PP:
In MS Powerpoinbt, when I click the "add slide" in the ribbon, I have several models(?) poping up below as icons & I chose the one I want from my existing Template. This is the feature I want to reproduce programmatically when using the SF lib after loading that presentation used as a Template.

So when I use .add(...) to add a new ISlide i see several options, but all leading to load only one same "model" from the ones I see in MS Powerpoint
I guess there is a <list> of these models in the original .pptx.  --> So how can I access these "models", either by their index or by their name ? (any way would be OK for me as I can see/know their name in advance)

Likely one of the options of .'add(..)' but I don't see it ...

Thanks in advance,

3 Replies

AP Arun Prasad Matheshwaran Syncfusion Team June 2, 2016 07:21 AM UTC

Hi Fabrice,  
Thank you for using Syncfusion Product.  
Below is the screenshot of the output generated when using SlideLayoutType.TwoContent and SlideLayoutType.SectionHeader.  

Please find the sample created to demonstrate how to add slides in presentation using Presentation library as below:  
Following online UG documentation to know more about working on slides,  

Please let us know if you have any questions regarding this, 


FF fff June 3, 2016 04:13 PM UTC

Hi Arun,

Thanks for the effort, but that is not exactly my question
Of course I can add one slide of type SlideLayoutType.Blank, SlideLayoutType.Comparison, SlideLayoutType.ContentWithCaption, SlideLayoutType.PictureWithCaption, SlideLayoutType.SectionHeader, SlideLayoutType.Title, SlideLayoutType.TitleAndContent, SlideLayoutType.TitleAndVerticalText, SlideLayoutType.TitleOnly, SlideLayoutType.TwoContent, SlideLayoutType.VerticalTitleAndText
but that is not the need.

I need to add a slide from a "model" that is in a presentation opened as a Template. Not copy an already existing slide, but one that is proposed by MS PowerPoint when you click "new slide". These are not necessary the SlideLayoutType from above -sorry again, likely using "model" in this thread is wrong-

In can not attached in this forum a pptx as example, but please see incident ID: 157742 (about a bug): I have attached a Template there for other SF purposes. Please opened it and try to programmatically create a slide from the last choice proposed when you click "add new slide" inside MS PowerPoint.
This pptx belongs to a customer - Please do NOT put a public example that includes that Template nor a screen capture of it
Please just explain or write the minimal code how you access that slide model in presentation.Slides.Add ???) for a new slide


DJ Devisri Jothi Syncfusion Team June 6, 2016 10:07 AM UTC

Hi Fabrice, 
We have checked the PowerPoint presentation provided in the incident ID – 157742. We have logged a feature report for “Adding a slide with a model that is used in a presentation opened as a template” using Presentation library. A support incident to track the status of this feature has been created under your account. Please log on to our support website to check for further updates 
Please let me know if you have any question.  

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