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namespace name 'Grouping' does not exist in the namespace


Try to use the control GridGroupingConrol.

I have put it to my Windows Form through the designer, but after compiling I get the following error.

CS0234 The type or namespace name 'Grouping' does not exist in the namespace 'Syncfusion.Windows.Forms.Grid' (are you missing an assembly reference?)


1 Reply

AK Adhikesevan Kothandaraman Syncfusion Team May 31, 2016 11:24 AM UTC

Hi Roger, 

Thanks for using Syncfusion products. 

We have analyzed your reported scenario at our end. The reported error may be occurred due to the assemblies are not referred properly to the GridGroupingControl. Please check whether you are properly referred the following dependencies, 


Please check whether the assemblies are installed in the GAC. If its not installed then manually refer the assemblies by using the reference path, 
<InstalledLocation>Syncfusion\Essential Studio\[VersionNo]\precompiledassemblies\[VersionNo]\[AssemblyVersion]\  

For example, 
C:\Program Files (x86)\Syncfusion\Essential Studio\\precompiledassemblies\\4.5.1\ 


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