I have a project that was using Telerik's controls and i am migrating to yours. In my main view, there is a MapControl with Canvas.ZIndex = 0, two buttons with Canvas.ZIndex = 1 and the BusyIndicatorControl with Canvas.ZIndex = 2. I want to disable the user to click anywhere while is loading data from the server (while property IsBusy = true), so i set the Canvas.ZIndex to 2 and when IsBusy = false, the control should "disappear" from the view, should return to Canvas.ZIndex = 1. With the old control works like a charm, and i just did this:
<telerikPrimatives:RadBusyIndicator AnimationStyle="AnimationStyle4" FontWeight="Bold"
Grid.RowSpan="3" Foreground="White" Background="#80000000" Canvas.ZIndex="2"
Content="{Binding BusyText}" IsActive="{Binding IsAsyncLoading}"/>
I tried the same approach, but is not working like it should be. The BusyIndicatorControl's ZIndex is always on top of the view:
<notification:SfBusyIndicator AnimationType="ArrowTrack" IsBusy="{Binding IsAsyncLoading}"
Header="{Binding BusyText}" Grid.RowSpan="3" Background="#80000000" Canvas.ZIndex="2">
<TextBlock Text="{Binding}" FontSize="16" HorizontalAlignment="Center"
Foreground="White" FontWeight="Bold"/>
How can i reach the same functionality of the old control with just xaml, no code behind?
Thanks in advance,
Leonardo Souza