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Themes and menus (beginner question)

I see that menus support the 12 standard themes.
How do I apply a standard theme, such as one of these below?

.Flat azure

2.Flat lime

3.Flat Saffron

4.Gradient azure

5.Gradient lime

6.Gradient saffron

7.Flat azure dark

8.Flat lime dark

9.Flat Saffron dark

10.Gradient azure dark

11.Gradient lime dark

12.Gradient saffron dark

1 Reply

DR Dhinesh Ravi Syncfusion Team May 3, 2016 06:05 AM UTC

Hi Daniel, 

Thank you for contacting Syncfusion Support. 

Essential Studio JavaScript controls support different themes and styling effect to improve its appearance. Refer to the following online link to achieve different themes for Menu control. 

Dhinesh R 

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