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Invalid grid size problem (or how to force complete grid re-rendering)

I’ve created a sample project to demonstrate the problem I’m trying to solve. I have a grid that has no fixed width. All columns except one has initial fixed width and the one that has automatic width can clip text if the width is too small for the cell content. When I resize the browser the “auto width” column changes its width. When grid becomes to narrow the horizontal scroll bar is shown (that is desired behavior since I set a min width for the grid so that auto width column doesn’t disappear if the grid becomes too narrow). At the same time, I need to show more rows than that can fit in the grid's height and I don’t want to have vertical scroll bar.

Everything I mentioned works great as you can see in the example. The problem begins when the grid height is changed.

Here are the repro steps:

  1. Start the web project in full screen browser
  2. Shrink the browser in width and notice how grids shrink until minimum width is reached and horizontal scrollbar is shown
  3. Filter the grid by any column by any value (it is hardcoded to return 3 rows)
  4. Notice the grid shrinks in height as expected
  5. Clear the filter
  6. Notice that the grid hasn’t return to the right height but got vertical scroll bar instead. I would like to force refresh/re-render of the grid at this point but I’m not sure how to accomplish this

 Sizing problem is even worse when a grid is in a tab control. That one is harder to reproduce because it doesn’t break the grid always on the first try but repro steps would be:

  1. Maximize the browser and reload the page
  2. Go to the B tab
  3. Return to the A tab
  4. Change browser width so that the tabs change position thanks to the bootstrap
  5. Go back to the B tab
  6. Notice that grid shrinks so much that no data is visible
Any help is appreciated

Best regards,

Attachment: SyncfusionMvcApplication2_6fedf211.zip

3 Replies

GV Gowthami V Syncfusion Team May 4, 2016 03:53 AM UTC

Hi Vlatko, 
Thanks for contacting Syncfusion support. 
Query 1: Notice that the grid hasn’t return to the right height but got vertical scroll bar instead. 
We have confirmed that the issue with “Vertical scroller is not refreshed after performing grid actions” is a known issue and we have fixed the issue in the version . 
Please follow the below steps to upgrade to to 
1.       Download and install the Essential Studio from the below link. 
2.       Replace the Syncfusion dlls, scripts, and css in your project from the following location. 
            Scripts and Css: C:\Program Files (x86)\Syncfusion\Essential Studio\XX.X.X.XX\JavaScript\assets 
Here XX.X.X.XX denotes the product version( 
Query 2: Notice that grid shrinks so much that no data is visible 
Initially, you have hidden the grid div and displayed it dynamically while binding data to grid. The width and height of parent element were not properly calculated while invoking the windowonresize method. The reason is the time delay for the grid element to change its dimension while dynamically displayed. 
While resizing the window, the proper width and height is not calculated for hidden grid elements. We can avoid this issue by invoking the “windowonresize” method in ItemActive event of the tab as follows, 
. . . . 
.ClientSideEvents(eve => { eve.ItemActive("active");}) 
. . . . 
<script type="text/javascript"> 
    function active(args) 
        var id = $(args.activeHeader).find("a").attr("rel='nofollow' href") 
        var gridId = $(id).find(".e-grid.e-waitingpopup").attr("id");       
        setTimeout(function () { $("#" + gridId).ejGrid('windowonresize'), 0 });     
While using above code example we have faced the issue that “The grid height is not refreshed when set as “auto”” and it has been fixed and included in the version version Please upgrade to the version using above steps. 
Gowthami V. 

VM Vlatko Malovic May 5, 2016 09:18 AM UTC

Great. It works perfectly. Thx.

GV Gowthami V Syncfusion Team May 6, 2016 06:33 AM UTC

Hi Vlatko
We are happy to hear that your issue has been fixed. 
Get back to us if you need further assistance. 
Gowthami V. 

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